Publications directly related to Alderis and DREAM
- Gabor Madl, Sherif Abdelwahed, Douglas C. Schmidt: Verifying Distributed Real-time Properties of Embedded Systems via Graph Transformations and Model Checking, Real-Time Systems, Special Issue: Invited Papers from the 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium, Volume 33, Numbers 1-3, Pages 77-100, July 2006.Bibtex.
- Gabor Madl, Sherif Abdelwahed: Model-based Analysis of Distributed Real-time Embedded System Composition, Proceedings of EMSOFT 2005. Presentation. Bibtex.
- Gabor Madl, Sherif Abdelwahed, Gabor Karsai: Automatic Verification of Component-Based Real-Time CORBA Applications, Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium, pp. 231-240, Lisbon, Portugal, December, 2004. Presentation. Bibtex.
- Gabor Madl, Nikil Dutt: Domain-specific Modeling of Power Aware Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS) 2006. Bibtex.
- Gabor Madl, Nikil Dutt: Tutorial for the Open-Source DREAM Tool, Performance comparison with the Uppaal model checker and the Verimag IF toolset, Draft v1.1, CECS technical report, 2006. Bibtex.
- Gabor Madl, Sherif Abdelwahed: Formal Verification of Distributed Preemptive Real-time Scheduling, ISIS Technical Report, 2005. Bibtex.
- Gabor Madl, Nikil Dutt, Sherif Abdelwahed: Distributed Real-time Embedded Analysis Method - DREAM ™, Poster, Emsoft 2005.
- Gabor Madl, Tivadar Szemethy, Sherif Abdelwahed, Gabor Karsai, Janos Sztipanovits: Embedded System Verification via Platform Modeling, Model Transformations and Model Checking, Poster, ITR review, UC Berkeley, November, 2004.
- Other papers in submission...