Ambiguity in the AMBA AHB Specification
The EMSOFT publication cited on the left describes an ambiguity in the final version of the AMBA AHB specification. We do not claim in any way that the AMBA AHB protocol is incorrect, nor do we claim that it contains irresolvable contradictions. However, the AMBA AHB specification does not mention this problem and therefore it is up to the designers to find and resolve this and other special cases, and these implementations may not work with each other even though they all correspond to the specification. This shows the need to verify even simple MPSoC designs rather than rely on protocols themselves in general as they do not enforce a correct working system. These problems could be easily overcome by providing a formal specification rather than natural languages that are prone to ambiguities.
Functional Verification
The following example demonstrates how the simultaneous use of the HRESP=RETRY response and the HSPLITx unmask request in the same clock cycle by the slave may result in a deadlock situation:
The following example shows that disallowing the simultaneous use of the HRESP=RETRY response and the HSPLITx unmask request allows to avoid the deadlock:
The same problem can be shown for three masters:
The following example shows that disallowing the simultaneous use of the HRESP=RETRY response and the HSPLITx unmask request allows to avoid the deadlock using three masters as well:
The final model that shows the correctness of our design:
Performance Evaluation
The finite state machines were changed for the performance evaluation to provide better scalability. Therefore we need to verify that the resulting model is still correct:
- Three masters using dedicated state wires/variables correct SMV source
- Three masters using dedicated state wires/variables correct output
Performance evaluation results using 64x64 pixel tiles for JPEG 2000 compression:
- Performance evaluation using 64x64 pixel tiles SMV source
- Performance evaluation using 64x64 pixel tiles output
Performance evaluation results using 128x128 pixel tiles for JPEG 2000 compression: